I released this book some time ago and it remains the one that seems to attract everyones attention. I have also put an excerpt from the book which has become one of the most acclaimed sections. It can be found at:


In 3800 BC, the first city of modern man called UR rose on the banks of the Euphrates River, a city shrouded in mystery that , after two thousand years, disappeared without a trace. In 1922 Sir Leonard Woolley, a famed British archeologist, finds the ruins of the lost city, and the remains of a massive temple buried in a hillside; but after twelve years of excavations leaves the site never knowing of the secret buried beneath the temple floor, or of the prophecy it contains.

Driven by an unknown force and haunted by the deaths of his wife and son, Dr. Simon Everett Jacobs comes to the remains of the once great city to find an answer, a truth that will change his life forever. Throughout history they have been known by many different names—the Hebrews called them Malchaid. The Mesopotamians called them –Sukalli. We call them…angels.

They walk among us unseen, entering our world not as immortals, but as children; frail and outcast, always impaired in some way. To transcend their human form they must first walk with human footsteps and taste the salt of human tears, learning to love by first being loved. Only then can they transcend their mortality, a unique metamorphosis that begins with the forming of a chrysalis, a physical separation of identities, one human and one eternal.

Now the greatest of all angels has been born and only Dr. Jacobs knows the child’s true identity. The child’s transformation hinges on his ability to unlock the mysteries of creation or the child will die. The clock is ticking, as an ancient prophecy is about to unfold. 


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