Driven by an unknown force and haunted by the deaths of his wife and son, Dr. Simon Everett Jacobs comes to the remains of the once great city to find an answer, a truth that will change his life forever. Throughout history they have been known by many different names—the Hebrews called them Malchaid. The Mesopotamians called them –Sukalli. We call them…angels.
A Christmas Story: The Fourth King
Destined to become a family classic, “A Christmas Story: The Fourth King” is the amazing, fictional story that combines Norse Legend, the birth of Christ, and Santa Claus.
In this heart-felt tale we follow the journeys of good King Nicholai Sinterklaas, a legendary king of an ancient land far to the north as he follows the star of Christmas to find a newborn Child King. But on his journey, he gives away all that he has brought to honor the New King, only to find that he has given the greatest of all.
Goat Man
For some, fate and destiny roll upon the same track. Such is the case of E. Alex Fleming, a young writer whose first book; a World War Two epic about the unlikely friendship between a World War Two airman and the black fighter pilot who saves his life; becomes a huge success only to crash and burn amid allegations of plagiarism. In a single day Alex looses everything. So too, his young intern agent Kimberly Siecrest, who believed in him when no one else did, looses everything as well.
Together they set out to find the one story that will be their salvation; a man, and the last real life “Johnny Appleseed” American legend that Alex once encountered on the back roads of Georgia when he was a young boy; a man known as America’s Goat Man.
As they retrace the footsteps of the Goat Man across America they discover something even more profound; love, perhaps for the first time in each of their lives. In the end Alex finds the Goat Man in an ending that is as haunting, as it is unexpected.
And through it all, Alex learns that though it is not possible to live forever, it is possible… to love forever.

The Quintessential Salesman-Origins
“The Quintessential Salesman” is a journey in life as much as it is a journey in business. It seeks to understand not only the “how’s,” of unlocking our hidden potential, but the “whys”; to provide a way to discover, or rediscover, that place in all of us where it all begins and in so doing, give us the tools to forge new pathways.

Today, effectively managing healthcare profitability means understanding and optimizing every touch point of profitability within the provider’s revenue cycle; from maximizing payor contracts, to post contract oversight, to managing line-item revenue loss and denials, to creating efficiencies on all levels that promote growth, stability, and quality of care, while protecting the provider’s best interests. Once managing profitability only meant obtaining the best “payor rates”, but today payor agreements are far more complex and the pitfalls far more costly; today good rates from payors are often purposefully offset by language and terms that deliberately limit even the best reimbursement rates, cutting into provider’s profitability, often without them even realizing it.
Knowing the 7 Deadly Sins of Managed Care Contracting is the first step of insuring the profitability and solvency for any healthcare provider and the primary reason for creating this book.

Six Steps to Develop Value Based Bundled Payments
As the Business of the Medical Industry evolves providers are becoming more and more inundated with new types of reimbursement models, one of which is Value Based Bundled Payments. The concept is simple by definition, reducing certain common procedures such as hip or knee replacement down to a single code, which in theory makes the procedure easier to code and bill for, as well as the reimbursement far less problematic for the payer to pay.
The challenge is in setting up all of the different moving parts at the provider level to insure that the new streamlined Bundled Payment process functions as anticipated. This short EBOOK was designed to walk the provider through each of the six steps in creating Bundled Payments and to provide critical information that every Provider should know in the process.
Signed Copies by the Author are available.
The Chrysalis–Postage and handling included…….$25.00
GOAT MAN–Postage and handling included ………$20.00
A Christmas Story: The Fourth King–Postage and handling included……..$15.00
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