Waltzing Matilda

Waltzing Matilda
Waltzing Matilda

WALTZING MATILDA by Kim Michael. (Best heard using ear buds or head set)



It’s difficult to know how to honor people that have passed, especially when they are your parents. For me visiting their graveside has never felt like it was enough, maybe because I really don’t believe they’re there.

The way we keep our loved ones with us, is to remember and honor their memory. This is my way of doing that.

I come from a small town out side of Peoria Illinois call Glasford, and even though I lived on a farm about three miles away and everybody in and outside of town knew everybody else, though I doubt many people knew that my father and mother actually met at an Arthur Murray’s dance studio in Peoria, Il.

One of my Mom’s favorite songs was Waltzing Matilda and I used those two memories to create this new version/video of Waltzing Matilda.

I actually wrote this song several years ago and had every intention of returning to it one day, to reproduce and remaster it in a way that that better told the story of their lives. Now with the “In Search of Wonder Digital Orchestra” and a new movie/video resource, I can fulfill that dream.

The ones we love are never really gone as long as we can remember them!! Thank you in allowing me to share this memory with you. I hope you enjoy it.


Kim Michael

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To Learn More About Kim Michael Visit “Interview With Kim Michael”